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Course Catalog

// Course Description

Course Title: Leveraging Tools for Coordinated Community Disaster Communications (AWR-329)
Status: FEMA Certified. This course is now listed in the FEMA National Training and Education Division (NTED) Catalog.

The better a community communicates, the more prepared and equipped that community will be to respond to a hazard event. Bi-directional communication sharing of disaster information facilitates improved disaster response execution. Using the widest possible range of communication tools (e.g., omnichannel communication) helps ensure redundant communication capability, high information fidelity for decision-makers, and contributes to achieving response goals during and following a disaster occurrence. 

This four-hour awareness-level training course will provide community and volunteer groups, state and local government agencies, and other stakeholder groups, as well as concerned citizens, with relevant information and practical exercises that will improve their knowledge and skills to better serve the communication needs of their communities. The course is designed to help participants to better understand the importance of communicating with different groups at different times, and to evaluate the various tools available to affect communications.

Course Modules:

  • Review of Communication Needs

  • Communication Tools

Target Audience:
  • Government Administrative
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Emergency Management
  • Fire Services
  • Law Enforcement
  • Citizen/Community Volunteer
  • Non-Government Organizations
  • Private Sector/Corporate Security and Safety
Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify, articulate, and respond to communication needs of various community entities
  • Identify the benefits and challenges of various communication tools
Contact Hours: 4
ASFPM Credits 3.5 Continuing Education Credits
IACET Credits 0.3 Continuing Education Units
IAEM (E/G) Credits 4.0 Emergency/General Management Training Credit Hours
Type: Awareness





Provider: UH-NDPTC
Delivery Method: Instructor Led. If you are interested in having this course delivered in your area, please contact your State Administrative Agency (SAA) through the FEMA Emergency Management System. Step-by-step instructions are available at:
Max Enrollment: 30 - 40 participants
Test Requirements:
  • Pre-test to be completed PRIOR to the course. Assists to assess familiarity with the course subject material.
  • Post test to be completed at completion of course. To receive a FEMA issued Certificate of Completion, a post test score of at least 70% must be obtained.
Costs: The cost of developing and delivering training is covered by a cooperative agreement with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). There is no cost to the individual for taking the course. we do not cover the cost of travel or lodging to attend training.