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Training Requests

//Training Requests & Eligibility

How do I request training be delivered at my location?

To schedule a training NDPTC requests that the hosting agency (agency requesting the course) provide a location for the course delivery, assist with filling the course delivery to meet our 25 participant minimum and to assist with the outreach of the course .

Allow at least 6 weeks for coordination of a course delivery. We are, in most cases, unable to accommodate requests that are within six weeks of the proposed delivery date Please complete a Training Request Form online or submit the downloadable PDF provided below State Administrative Agency (SAA) Training POC approval must be received prior to scheduling of the course delivery. Training scheduling processes vary by state. Most NDPTC courses have a minimum participant requirement of 25 participants. If the number of participants does not meet the required minimum at three weeks prior to the delivery, we may, after discussion with the hosting agency, postpone or cancel the course delivery. NDPTC's preference is to schedule at least two course deliveries in an area within the time that we are in the general area. For select courses, the course location must be/ have internet access capabilities available to each participant, as all participants may need to access the internet simultaneously throughout the course.

Additionally NDPTC requests that hosting agencies be willing and able to:

  1. Provide a venue for the course training.
  2. Ensuring approval of the training from the State Administrative Agency (SAA) / State Training Point of Contact (SAA TPOC)
  3. Ensuring that the course delivery meets minimum participant requirements by agreed upon date. NDPTC will provide course delivery flyer(s) and can assist with outreach to a limited extent.
  4. Ensure that there is a point of contact for NDPTC instructors regarding scheduling an appointment to access the training facility the day before and the day of the course for setup. You can contact us directly at to request our Training Request form or you can create an account and submit online Training Request by clicking here

Can anyone sign up for training? I am a concerned citizen and do not have access to the SAA, can I still attend training?

Those of the community are welcome to register for and attend our NDPTC course delivery offerings. Our course deliveries are listed on our website- and they are constantly being updated. If you are interested in a course delivery offering in your local area, please create a NDPTC profile for online registration for the course and please complete the online pre-test prior to the course date. In certain cases our hosting agencies request our courses for a specific group of their choice. If there is a registration code initiated, you can contact us regarding a request to attend the course and we can forward your request to our hosting agency for final decision and approval.

NDPTC is a mobile training center, so if you are interested in a course and you are a part of an organization that you feel could benefit from our courses we can coordinate with you regarding scheduling a course delivery in your local area at your facility.

If you are not a U.S. Citizen, please contact NDPTC for a Foreign National Visitor Access Request form. This form needs to be completed, processed and approved for participation in our course deliveries. The form must be completed and submitted for approval 30-60 days prior to the course delivery. Once the form is completed you can forward the form to NDPTC- and we will submit the form for approval. Once a final decision is received, we will contact you.

//Training Request Forms

Contact NDPTC Staff Training Request Form Virtual Training Request Form Download Training Request PDF
If you have heard of NDPTC and would simply like more information regarding training and how to initiate the process of getting NDPTC courses offered in your area please contact us via the message form on our contact page. Note that you must have a user profile and be logged into the site in order to view and submit an online form. Virtual training is delivered via zoom. Once you have filled in the downloadable form wou can submit it via an email attachment to